These specialised products are used in hazardous locations, petrochemical plants & fiery mines. Ranges between 600m and 2km.
E2S Explosion Proof Devices

The E2S range of Ex beacons are best suited for robust applications. Suitable for zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 Gas Groups IIA IIB IIC. Six lens colours available: Red, Yellow, Amber, Blue, Clear and Green. Automatic synchronisation on multi beacon systems. The units is chromated and powder coated with good resistance to humidity and salt spray environments. This is a Flame Proof unit and should only be installed by suitably qualified persons. |
The E2S range of Ex beacons are best suited for robust applications. Suitable for zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 Gas Groups IIA IIB & IIC. Six lens colours available: Red, Yellow, Amber, Blue, Clear and Green. Automatic synchronisation on multi beacon systems. The units is chromated and powder coated with good resistance to humidity and salt spray environments. This is a Flame Proof unit and should only be installed by suitably qualified persons. |
The E2S range of Ex beacons are best suited for robust applications. Suitable for zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 Gas Groups IIA IIB & IIC. Six lens colours available: Red, Yellow, Amber, Blue, Clear and Green. Automatic synchronisation on multi beacon systems. The units is chromated and powder coated with good resistance to humidity and salt spray environments. This is a Flame Proof unit and should only be installed by suitably qualified persons.
The E2S range of Ex combination units are best suited for robust applications. Suitable for zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 Gas Groups IIA IIB & IIC. Six lens colours available: Red, Yellow, Amber, Blue, Clear and Green. Automatic synchronisation on multi beacon systems. The units is chromated and powder coated with good resistance to humidity and salt spray environments. This is a Flame Proof unit and should only be installed by suitably qualified
The E2S Ex Sounders can be used at Petro chemical plants, fiery mines and where Ex is required. The unit is chromated and powder coated with good resistance to humidity and salt spray environments. This is a flame proof unit and should only be installed by suitably qualified persons.
The E2S Ex Sounders can be used at Petro chemical plants, fiery mines and where Ex is required. The unit is chromated and powder coated with good resistance to humidity and salt spray environments. This is a flame proof unit and should only be installed by suitably qualified persons.